Share your experience
Add your memory to the WBS memory wall
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50 Years of sculpting global leaders
Share your experience
Add your memory to the WBS memory wall
Click Here
50 Years of sculpting global leaders
Share your experience
Add your memory to the WBS memory wall
Click Here
50 Years of sculpting global leaders

Fifty years is a long time and the School has seen thousands and thousands of students pass through its doorways… copious numbers of proud graduates who’ve gone on to do interesting things in their careers!  So many syndicate groups that have worked through the night, so many friends made and businesses started!

We set up this wall to provide an opportunity for students, alumni, staff and friends of WBS to share their messages or memories of WBS. We hope you enjoy them.

What are your memories?

If you would like to be part of our 50th celebrations and “write on the wall” we would love to hear from you.  Whether you are a student or alumnus, a current or past staff member or lecturer – why not add your name, an anecdote and/or a photograph?  Or even just a simple message.

Go to the ‘Share your Memory’ page and send your contribution.

WBS Memory Wall