Awesome Course, good as post Graduate, and overall experience was great…….Sets you up well for future career I felt…
Awesome Course, good as post Graduate, and overall experience was great…….Sets you up well for future career I felt…
The MBA program was a pivotal learning experience in my life, and I still draw on insights and tools that I learned.
I was one of the early recipients of the of the new Wits Business School MBA programme. I found the whole executional and social interaction highly rewarding. My MBA from Wits helped me when I was recruited by ITT in Europe where I spent a few years working for ITT in London. I remember my…
Thank you to Wits Business School for giving me the education which assisted me to build up my own company – Hatfield Motor Group. Congratulations on 50 years!
Wits Business School sculpted the leadership skills in me during my MMFI program. Still sculpting, as I complete my PhD this year.
What an awesome adventure… changed my life forever!