Richard Manzini, MBA, 2018
Someday, I will make my parents proud. I promise.
Thank you, Lord.
Someday, I will make my parents proud. I promise.
Thank you, Lord.
The most prominent memory is of studying and debating statistics in the courtyard with my ‘syndicate’ group.
I graduated in 2014. The course had a positive impact on my life, especially in business and in the working environment in general. I had an amazing experience at WBS – the lectures were very good. I especially remember Professor Ron Walter.
Syndicate group teaching was just the best!
I did the New Managers Programme from September to December 2012, and our communications lecturer was a guy called Ron. At the end of the programme we were asked to give feedback on lecturers, and I rated Ron as the worst. But then In 2017 I was studying towards my Bsc Hons at Wits University and…
“The MBA was indeed an occasion in my life!” I remember Buzz, the resident cat, who often adopted interesting poses at the front of the lecture theater while grooming himself. Mark Addleson once commented during an Economics lecture, “Cats have no sense of occasion!” The MBA was indeed an occasion in my life!
MBA 2015-2018 PT Class Rep. Many great memories were created. WBS is trully outstanding! The MBA brought about a lot of career and personal growth. Many strong bonds were forged. A strong support structure is paramount.
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