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John Livanas, MBA, 1982
Truly the most challenging and amazing 2 years which provided the foundation for my career. Many in our class excelled in business, all excelled as leaders of all kinds. I am honoured to be a Wits Business School alumni.
Alison Foote nee Sharp and Dugal Sharp, MBA, 1990
The first brother and sister pair to graduate with an MBA on the same day
David Smith, Exchange Student 2013
What truly set me on my path of enlightenment began at registration. I saw a self-identification box to check “Coloured” when I completed my registration form for my I.D. and I was dumbfounded. I studied abroad [at WBS] from Jan-March 2013 via Kelley School of Business, Indiana University as part of the Partnership in International Management (PIM) network….
Tracy Rushton, PDM HR, 1988-1989
We were the first class to complete this course part-time. A real challenge and motivated me to become a life long learner.