Barry Greyling, MBA, 2012-2013
Awesome experience!
PS: The WBS and I are the same age 🙂
PS: The WBS and I are the same age 🙂
Most people will think back on their days at WBS and will reminisce about the stimulating academic challenges and the inspiring interesting social interactions. Many alumni will enthusiastically tell tales of subsequent business and personal success. But I would like to recall a life lesson, instilled in us during a 1996 PDM class. Margie Sutherland…
Five WBS qualifications are more powerful than one.
What Wits Business School did for me was to spark an interest in creativity and invention. The highlight of my studies was Marketing. I had prior always considered myself more of a social developer/civil servant. Suddenly, with all the creative syndicate exercises and case studies of how businesses started I was led to a new…
I recall the second day of my MBA when my first child was born and then while in China completing my final elective, I received the news of the birth of my second child and had to fly back immediately…. An amazing two years of learning and personal growth.
The first brother and sister pair to graduate with an MBA on the same day
In 1975 I was one of the first participants in what was called the HDPM (Higher Diploma in Personnel Management) programme at the Wits Business School. Today it is more illustriously called the PDM (Postgraduate Diploma in Management). The Wits Business School already had an established reputation for its MBA programme and had obviously decided…