Barry Greyling, MBA, 2012-2013
Awesome experience!
PS: The WBS and I are the same age 🙂
PS: The WBS and I are the same age 🙂
The day I handed-in my final Phd thesis at 12:12pm…Â WBS holds many dear memories for me. There were many days of toil, tentativeness, and tenacious rigour; along with little tests and triumphs as I found my way through my PhD journey. There were the different architectures with many learning and sensorial spaces to hear,…
Wits Business School is an amazing place, you will be challenged beyond your wildest imagination. However, you will come out WBS a transformed and better person & seasoned professional. I had super awesome time at WBS. I have wonderful memories of WBS. Many of my memories involve my syndicate group (Amazing ladies) and new friends…
Syndicate group teaching was just the best!
The beginning of a mind transformational journey with world class lecturers…!
Five WBS qualifications are more powerful than one.