Madelein Roos

Madelein Roos

Current title
Group Learning & Development and Organisational Effectiveness Manager, Adcock Ingram

Course at Wits Business School
Women in Leadership, 2017

A defining moment in my career
Having always had a deep interest in science, I first qualified as a chemist, and thereafter at a later stage as an engineer. In order to broaden my capabilities, I started to lecture evening classes at the Vaal Triangle Technikon, now the Vaal Institute of Technology. 

I believe that all roads take us to where we should be and here the technikon gave me an opportunity to start lecturing in their Chemical Engineering as well as Applied Science departments. Whilst pregnant with my first daughter, I was not permitted to lecture. Pregnant women in that era were not supposed to be seen in public or lecturing.

I was fortunate at that stage to be afforded the opportunity to assist with the re-curriculum development process within the Chemical Engineering Department. This opportunity helped me to learn outcomes-based education and skills development.

At this point in my career, my path veered into a completely different journey. From a career in science, I was transmuted into the world of education and skills development. My ability to make an impact and create value within the lives of the individuals on my journey will forever remain etched in my mind. It was at that turning point that I realised that I am exactly where I was supposed to be. 

Had I stayed on the same career path, I would not have reached this level of satisfaction on such a great level. All is not lost with my science and engineering background as the knowledge that I gained is still applied when I need to relate to our manufacturing colleagues. 

I am able to understand first-hand the challenges that they experience. I also apply my mathematical and analytical skills on a daily basis when I need to generate reports and work on tricky calculations.

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