Pavlo Phitidis
Pavlo Phitidis
Current title
Chief Executive Officer, Aurik Investment Holdings
Course at Wits Business School
Master of Business Administration, 2000
A defining moment in my career
Late one Thursday night, as I walked past my library, an epiphany struck me. I realised, just then, in that moment, what the purpose of my life was. I realised that every element of my being wanted to be in service of courage, creativity and care, three qualities that revere the human spirit.
I found these qualities manifest in the business owners that I work with today. They have the courage to start and risk everything they have. They have the creativity to do things differently and justify their existence. They have the patience to care and sustain the lonely, challenging journey of building a business.
My passion is in serving them. My purpose is in working with them to build their businesses into wealth producing assets, something I call an Asset of Value. This is a business that can of a day be sold for a premium price. Given that 94.6% of businesses started never get sold, this matters enormously to entrepreneurs.
As a business owner, you invest and sacrifice deeply to manifest your vision through the business that you build. That successful sale is your legacy. In practical terms, it is also your retirement and dignity.